Having attained an apogee in their freehand drawing in Grade Five, sixth graders now receive a compass and straightedge (and perhaps a drawing triangle and T-square) and, sharpened 3-H pencils in hand, embark upon creating geometrical constructions with instruments. Most of their work will be based on the hexagon, the dodecagon (12-sided figures) and the icosakaitetragon (24-sided figures). The drawings you see below were drawn in the course of a three-week main lesson block. The focus and self-discipline needed to create them should be obvious, and the joy with which they worked shines through every page. --Notes by Eugene Schwartz
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Click on any image to view it full-size and to view a short description.
These images are drawn from the world's largest archive of Waldorf student work. Hundreds more may be downloaded from our series The Elements of the Waldorf Curriculum, available on our Online Catalog.
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